A well-oiled machine...

Not enough has been said about the cast and crew of 99 Tropes. Because it’s about television, the association with the hard work of developing the text, casting the actors, creating the setting, and then putting the show on its feet can easily be forgotten. Especially when the house is roaring with laughter, as it frequently does, the whole thing seems inevitable.

But the success of the show has come from commitment, and good decisions, and the experience of every person involved, shared with a generous spirit. Far harder than it looks.

If you haven’t already, take a moment to check out our image and bio pages. The people represented there have done an incredible job of taking a germ of an idea and turning it into a theater alive with humor.

Thanks, guys!

99 Tropes closes in two weekends. If you’re thinking about coming, please get your tickets now, while you still can.